A Note From Our Managing Partners

A Note From Our Managing Partners

Charlie Ireland

Charlie Ireland

Feb, 22 2022

Celebrating one year of Ceres Rural 

What a year we have had! It’s hard to believe that Ceres Rural was launched almost a year ago, in March 2021. Our fantastic group of farming consultants has formed a highly experienced team working tirelessly advising some of the most progressive farming and rural businesses in the country.  

Launched at a time of unprecedented change in the farming industry, our promise was to provide independent advice to farmers and landowners to help them secure a sustainable and workable future.

Given the huge implications of the loss of annual support payments for farm profitability and business structures, we knew there would be a growing requirement for a service providing practical, unbiased advice to help the rural economy navigate these changes. We opened three regional offices in the south and east of England. We were thankful for an immediate surge in demand from the broader rural economy for our services, with farmers and landowners actively seeking us out. Thank you all for your support.

Thanks to our vision and diligent, professional team, we have quickly gained a reputation for excellence, agility and integrity, allowing us to expand, with 30 bright individuals now proudly sporting the Ceres Rural badge.

Our employees, made up of a combination of partners, associate partners, graduates and support staff, provides us with the right combination of skills and knowledge to effectively deliver expert solutions.

What’s more exciting is this is only the beginning. We’ve come so far in just a year, and we cannot wait to continue this positive journey with our clients, through 2022 and beyond.

Charlie Ireland and Richard Means

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