Richard Means

Richard Means

May, 07 2024

Rachel Bush has joined leading consultancy Ceres Rural as an Associate Partner and farm business consultant, adding further strength to the company’s team of qualified consultants with farming expertise.

With over 12 years’ experience in farm consulting, including stints with Wilson Wraight and Bidwells, Rachel will be based at the Ceres Group’s Chelmsford office in Essex.

In her new role, she will be working with clients across Essex, Suffolk and South Norfolk, delivering independent and strategic farm business advice at a time of unprecedented change in the farming industry.

As Ceres Rural partner Jason Cantrill points out, the on-going background of the agricultural transition means that Rachel’s knowledge and experience will be put to very good use by farmers and landowners wishing to adapt their businesses for a more sustainable future.

“We’re delighted that Rachel is joining the team,” he says. “Her ability to bring forward-thinking and tailored business advice to the table will be valued by our clients and help us to meet the demand for support.

“She has considerable experience, gained over a number of years, which will add depth and breadth to our offering.”

Ceres Rural’s joint managing partner Richard Means says that the rapid growth of the business is providing opportunities for farm consultants wishing to expand their horizons, as well as to farm and rural businesses making the changes to safeguard their long-term future.

“We are really pleased to welcome Rachel to the team and look forward to working with her to deliver the unbiased and expert advice that Ceres Rural is so well known for.”

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